Decorative Paraphernalia Show filters Hide filters Filter products (Brand) Tom Chambers (22) Clear selection Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 36 of 42 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity 12 Next Ball Plant Stake Large £ 12.50More infoBuy now Ball Plant Stake Small £ 8.00More infoBuy now Bird Border Hook £ 9.54 £ 7.94More infoBuy now Butterfly Border Hook £ 7.94More infoBuy now Constable Obelisk £ 19.94More infoBuy now Cream Spiral Bird Bath £ 56.00More infoBuy now Cream Venetian Curved Bench £ 167.00More infoBuy now Cupid Obelisk £ 49.94More infoBuy now Elegant Cream Bird Bath £ 60.00More infoBuy now Fighting Hare Left Bronze £ 100.00More infoBuy now Fighting Hare Right Pewter £ 100.00More infoBuy now Flutter Plant Stake £ 7.94More infoBuy now Forester Gnome Sitting £ 36.00More infoBuy now Forester Gnome with Axe £ 36.00More infoBuy now Forester Gnome with Pipe £ 36.00More infoBuy now Goose Bronze Statue £ 130.00More infoBuy now Hedgehog Border Hook £ 7.94More infoBuy now Hoots Plant Stake £ 9.54 £ 7.94More infoBuy now Marbella Straight Top Bench £ 167.00More infoBuy now Nostell Obelisk Rust 1.6m £ 29.95More infoBuy now Nostell Obelisk Sage 1.2m £ 34.94More infoBuy now Nostell Obelisk Small £ 32.95More infoBuy now Nutmeg Squirrel Plant Stake £ 7.00More infoBuy now Priory Obelisk Large £ 32.00More infoBuy now Rustic Aster Stake £ 22.94More infoBuy now Rustic Bench £ 144.00More infoBuy now Rustic Curved Bench £ 144.00More infoBuy now Rustic Hydrangea Stake £ 20.00More infoBuy now Rustic Oriental Poppy Stake £ 19.00More infoBuy now Rustic Starflower Stake £ 18.95More infoBuy now Rustic Sunflower Stake £ 25.94More infoBuy now Rusty Gerbera Plant Stake Large £ 8.50More infoBuy now Rusty Poppy Plant Stake Large £ 14.50More infoBuy now Rusty Poppy Plant Stake Small £ 9.50More infoBuy now Sitting Hare Bronze Statue £ 75.00More infoBuy now Sitting Pig Bronze Statue £ 400.00More infoBuy now 12 Next