How to consider the Earth at all times?

Are you joining Earth hour at 8.30 pm on Saturday 30 March? Earth hour is all about encouraging everyone to turn off non-essential lights for one hour, one day of the year. Organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), it’s a symbolic hour showing commitment to the preservation of our wonderful planet. The more people who participate the better we can all think and act to help conservation of the world. But outside of Earth Hour, what can we do to consider the earth at all times? Let these tips guide you: 

  • Reduce Plastic Use
  • Collect and Reuse Water
  • Turn off unused electricity


One way to consider the Earth at all times is to reduce plastic use

Considering earth by turning off unused electricity A really big step forward to help the planet is to reduce and recycle plastic. It’s been widely publicised in recent years how devastating plastic usage has come to both land and seas. Our waste has a huge impact on the earth and everything that lives here with us. Try to purchase food from the supermarket that is not wrapped in plastic, buy biodegradable garden pots, wash and keep reusing plastic pots, make your own seed pots and even reuse toilet roll holders to sow seeds. Keep a note of what your local authority can recycle and split your waste as appropriate.


Collect and Reusing water is a great way to consider the Earth at all times

Water wastage is another huge issue and we can go a long way to helping by being considerate at all times. As the temperature rises, water could be in short supply so its a really important way to help the Earth. Try not to leave taps running when they aren’t needed and take a shower, which uses far less water than a bath. Observe any hosepipe ban and collect rainwater in water butts in the garden or on the allotment. There are lots of different shape and size water butts available that can fit in any space.


Consider the earth at all times by turning off unused electricity

During Earth Hour the commitment is to turn off all non-essential lighting for an hour. But we can do this as part of our daily lives. If you aren’t in the room, turn off the light and if you are just relaxing, have a lamp on rather than all of the lights in the room. Energy saver bulbs may cost more to purchase but they will last a lot longer than other bulbs and save you lots of money over time. If you don’t need to leave laptops or other devices plugged in for long periods, just unplug them and remember to switch off any unused appliances when not in use.

We can help you to consider the Earth at all times with suitable products in the store. If you need any advice with sustainable garden practices, our staff may be able to help.

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